No need for programming! Just place events on a map to create your very own story!
We’ve already gone over SMILE GAME BUILDER’s most distinctive feature, its 3D map editor.
However, on this page we’ll go over how you can easily add dialog, items, or change its weather and scenes to this 3D map.
- No Programming Needed! Anyone can jump right in!!
- Simple, Useful Event Templates
- Advance Your Tale With Dialogue! – Character events
- The Bread and Butter of an Adventure!- Treasure chest and item events
- Shop ‘Til You Drop!- Store and inn events
- Perilous Pandemonium! – Trap and gimmick events
- Rain, Snow and Flames! Oh My! – Scene-enhancing effect events
- Transition to the Next Scene!- Door and stair events
- Perfectly Balance Your Game!- Function events
- Bend the World to Your Whim! – Advanced event creation
No Programming Needed! Anyone can jump right in!!

Until now creating games used to mean having programming skills. Not with SMILE GAME BUILDER.
Easily place events on maps just as simple as if you were placing trees and buildings. For example, just placing a villager on the map automagically creates an event “Speak to villager to have conversation”. Or simply place a door somewhere and it’ll create an event to take you somewhere. Magic!
Simple, Useful Event Templates
The secret to easily creating events by placing them on a map lies within “event templates”. Each template has triggers for when actions are to occur – to what happens when they do occur. After placing an object, like dialog or an image on the map, all you have to do is edit it and you’re done! Just like that, you’re creating a game!
Advance Your Tale With Dialogue! – Character events

What makes an RPG special is the emotions you feel through the interactions between characters. With that in mind we’ve added tons of character events such as Speak, Become allies, Speak to start battle, and Get an item just to name a few.
The Bread and Butter of an Adventure!- Treasure chest and item events

There are many thoughts that go through your mind when you find a treasure test in a difficult dungeon. Is it epic loot? Rare items? Or possibly a trap? All of these are sure to get your heart beating. This is an important element not only to the scenario but also to the overall playability of the game. Anticipate the player’s reaction and place these events all over fields and dungeons.
Shop ‘Til You Drop!- Store and inn events

In order for a shop to work, you’d need the following functions: Speak to the shop keep, list items, purchase something and have money reduced. Making something of this nature would be a pain to program, but not with us! With the shop and inn templates all of the difficult work has already been taken care of.
Perilous Pandemonium! – Trap and gimmick events

Just going through dungeons and repeating battles can be monotonous and can soon grow tiring. Throw the player for a loop by setting traps and mechanisms when the player thinks they are in the clear. These devious devices can be set easily. Outwit your players by creating doors that have a hidden switch or chests that move when they are touched, and create a fun, challenging game.
Rain, Snow and Flames! Oh My! – Scene-enhancing effect events

An RPG is a game, but it’s also a story you’re telling. It’s imperative to add emotions to a scene like rain, during a farewell or adding snow to a scene with a miracle. With SMILE GAME BUILDER we’ve added many events that can add emotion to a scene. We’ve added not only rain and snow, but we’ve also added lightning, smoke, fire and fog. Feel like a real director to your game and up that production value!
Transition to the Next Scene!- Door and stair events

During play you continuously move maps; from the field to a town, from a town to the inside of a house and then back to the town again. It is important to set the exact destination for all map junctions and doors. What would normally be tedious is simple with us. Just add a door or stairs and the event templates do the rest!
Perfectly Balance Your Game!- Function events

No matter how great the story of your game may be, if you’re not including save points or enemies are showing up in unexpected places like towns you can drive your players to quit your game. On the contrary, a game that is too easy can be boring. Never fear! Simply use the event templates for save points and blocking enemy encounters and your game can achieve a perfect balance.
Bend the World to Your Whim! – Advanced event creation

Don’t worry you can customize advanced events that event templates don’t cover.
For example, the following is possible: Talk to a character -> Choose from a selection of options -> initiate an event based on choice. The type of events you can make are completely customizable. Like the image above is the edit event screen. You can clearly see how the event conditions are branched out.
At a glance it may look difficult, however anyone can master it as it’s simply placing commands in the order you want them to occur! It may seem like a tough hurdle to put together a high level event right off the bat so we suggest first placing events that we spoke about earlier in this tutorial in your game and then customizing them freely by converting them into advanced events.
What kind of story and life do you plan on breathing into your own 3D world? The events you make, will either make or break it!
Creating with SMILE GAME BUILDER forges logic and creativity which are important to learning programming. Who knows? With hard work you may become a professional creator!